Strategy Sessions


About The Essence Strategy Sessions

The Essence Strategy Sessions have been created in response to a big crisis we have observed amongst our entrepreneurs: a lack of clarity, knowledge and direction in building a viable business in Nigeria.

Nigeria is a very enterprising country. Most young people are doing one business or another on the side, but how many of these businesses have a clear strategy? A written business plan? Business targets? Or are even making a profit?

Most entrepreneurs we have consulted with answer “no” to all the questions above.

What to expect from TESS

Many entrepreneurs are in need of business support and mentor-ship but can’t afford 1:1 coaching.

TESS is designed to give you the maximum benefit of a 1:1 business coaching session in a small group setting.


Duration: 3 hours + networking and Q&A

Group Size: Maximum 10

Location: Primary Location Lagos. ( If you would like a Strategy Session to be organised in your city please contact us to find out how to facilitate this)

Content: TESS will be a very focused and intensive session. We will help you discover and document the following:

  • Your “why” for starting and running your business
  • Your Business Identity, which in essence is who you are as a business and what you do
  • What specific problem you are trying to solve through your business
  • What unique solution your business is providing to solve that problem
  • Who your customers are
  • Who your competition is and what sets you apart from them

The 6 components above are the bedrocks of your business strategy and will enable you to go to the next step of Scenario Planning and Business Planning, which is vital to running and growing your business successfully.

There will also be time at the end to network with the other entrepreneurs and our facilitator, Zahra Zakariya, who will be available to answer some of your personal business questions.

COST: N15,000 INCL. VAT 

Why attend?

The top reasons are clarity and accountability.

Every single entrepreneur, no matter how successful goes through periods of uncertainty and confusion. That is why the management consulting sector is a multi-billion dollar industry, with the worlds largest companies spending millions of dollars every year on expert advice and guidance.

Most people think that they can answer the questions above, but often they just scratch the surface. They don’t truly dig deep and let their answers come from their hearts, and so, in just a few weeks they find themselves back to square one.

Lastly, if you are reading this, you run a business and currently don’t have a document outlining what you do, why you do it and how you do it, then this session will be beneficial for you.

We often dread writing a full business plan, but we guarantee that once you have this foundation in place, writing your business plan and using it to drive your business growth, attract investors and form strategic partnerships will become that much easier.

Your Facilitator: Zahra Zakariya Abdulkareemtess3

Zahra is a Business Strategist, Performance Coach and Social Entrepreneur. Her mission in life is to serve, inspire and empower others. She works with both high performing professionals seeking greater fulfillment in life, as well as businesses seeking to make lasting social impact and teaches them how to leverage their unique talents, personal stories and divine purpose in achieving true success.

She has over 10 years business experience and has consulted for both start-ups and NGOs in Nigeria, as well as large multi-national banks in the UK.

Zahra has a BSc in Economics and a certificate in Business Accounting from the Chartered Institute of Management Accounting. She completed the world renowned graduate training program with Deloitte UK, where she qualified as a Strategy and Operations Consultant.

Zahra is also the founder of The Umm Fariha Network a women’s network aimed at nurturing women of virtue, as well as The Essence ASPIRE Network aimed at raising aspirations and fostering excellence amongst Muslim Millennial’s across the globe.

She is the lead consultant at Zahra Zakariya Strategy & Management where she creates, implements and manages strategic programs for HNI’s, NGOs and Social Enterprises inline with the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

What past #TESS Clients have to say




